
March 22, 2019 PT Landscape Designer – can work remotely!

Part Time Landscape Designer (can work remotely):

We at are excited about the growth we have ahead of us in the New Year and currently have a part time Landscape Designer position opening. The job entails working with our salesman to complete professional landscape designs.

Our salesman meets with our clients and gathers all the information needed to complete the job including: a hand sketch of the property with the measurements of what is to be designed, a separate hand sketch showing what plants to use and where, and pictures of the property. Our salesman would then upload the information to a cloud drive that the designer would have access to.

The designer will create a professional design using AutoCAD, DynaScape, or any other design software, and upload the file back on the cloud drive. We have an extra subscription to DynaScape if needed. We will need the design back in 1-2 days. The average design will take roughly 1-2 hours. This position could continue as a part time position throughout the summer, or full time after graduation if desired.

Please email me with any questions or if you would like more information on the position. Thank you!

Andy Schmitz

Stocker’s Landscaping LLC, Evansville, IN
